About Us

I had a conversation with my wife once. She said “it would be really cool to own a lawn business and work together” my immediate response was “Like kids in the neighborhood that cut lawns? That’s not a business” 

A few years later I came to her and said “ I have a great idea … .LETS START A LAWN BUSINESS!” 

Hindsight this is hilarious to me considering I am now one of the most well-known people In the lawn care industry. 



In 2013 I found myself in a position I had never been in. Without a job, newly married, living in a new city after a recent move, a child on the way, worst of all I was broke and very close to being evicted. I was willing to do anything to take care of my family. Not going to lie I thought about running drugs for a split second then realized this wasn’t a tv show, this was real life. 

Like a sign from the Lord there was a Crazy winter ice storm that hit the area I lived in. I remember talking to my father on the phone and just telling him that I didn’t know what to do and obviously I was scared for my new family. Without hesitation my father said “Well Kevin when you were a teenage we cut a lot of wood to heat our home and I know you know how to use a chainsaw” he said this to me and I cut the conversation short and started gathering all the money I could find in our house.I raided our coin jar stashed by the dryer, used old 2 dollar bills I had been saving because i thought they were cool, I even scraped through the couch looking  for change. My wife and I gathered just over $100. This was literally our last $100 dollars. I went to the local home depot looking to buy a chainsaw and by some miracle chance not only did they have a saw but it was on sale for $100. I walked out of that store with a new Poulan Pro pro 20 inch bar chainsaw. Make no mistake, this is not a pro chainsaw but it doesn’t matter it could cut wood and with the recent ice storm there were downed trees everywhere. 

I immediately started knocking on doors in my neighborhood and throwing out crazy low numbers to clean up the tree limbs in their yard and stack them at the curb for the city to pick up. I did well that first few hours and actually made my money back from buying the saw. When it got dark I went home, put $300 on the table and told my wife I would be back. I continued to work that night using the lights from the truck that I was borrowing from my mother in law to light the jobs that I worked on. The next few months were a blur of extremely hard work and painful learning experiences about the world of being a business owner. 

It didn’t take long for the work from the Ice storm to start drying up but I was looking around while working and saw all these companies with nice trucks, trailers and shiny mowers. I started thinking “ I think i could do that” everything is easier in your head but Stupid optimism is a key factor to taking risk. That’s when I told my wife I had a GREAT IDEA. She told me it was a great idea but i’m sure she thought to herself “YA I TOLD YOU THAT A LONG TIME AGO.” its almost cartoon like how it played out lol. Anyways with her support I started researching everything I could on the subject and found some truly amazing youtube channels with one sticking out more than the others (geek to freak lawn care) this guy Greg was going out and cutting lawns with just a truck a push mower and a blower and talking about the in’s and outs of the business. I watched everyone of his video over and over. This is how i learned many of the tips and tricks that I use today. He talked about his struggles and what he was going through. This man was just incredibly honest, optimistic, inspirational, motivating and he genuinely wanted to help out other guys that were going through the struggles that he has been through himself. Through watching his videos I adopted many of the personality traits that he displayed. I too wanted to help other people out that were in my situation. That comes into play later 

In one of Greg’s videos he talked about how to make $100 a day and I did the math in my head… ok well $100 a day times 30 well that’s almost what i made at the factory. Hey I can do that! I didn’t take into account all the expenses that a business has but again stupid optimism is Key and I was Stupid and optimistic, I didn’t know it then but looking back ofcourse I was I mean i was in my early 20s. 

I started my lawn care business with a hammy down push mower from my brother, a few hand tools and a broken down weedeater that my neighbor gave me for helping him out with his yard. My mother in law ended up giving me that truck that I was borrowing while cutting tree limbs. I can not stat how grateful I am for all of the love and support my family has shown me while Rachel and I were struggling and scraping by just trying to make it. 

The first several years were a true grind and I made so many simple mistakes that I learned from.

So flash forward several years. My business is starting to do good and I wanted to start making videos as well. I wanted to help people in the way that Greg helped me. I started making videos about how I advertised, tips and tricks, etc. I was just making lawn videos for the lawn care guys starting up or in the grind. I called the channel Lawn Care Juggernaut. Obviously because I was making lawn care videos but juggernaut was meant to be a mindset that people could adopt. I wanted viewers to be able to say to themselves “I am a Juggernaut and I am unstoppable ” It’s pretty cool that I created the name for others and now I am known as The Juggernaut. I really didn’t see that happening. The thing is that you have to have a mindset that you are unstoppable and be willing to fail and learn from it but also look at FAILURE as not an option. There is a difference between failing small and learning from it and FAILING and throwing in the towel. FAILING is not an option and I would highly suggest that you realize that it is never too late to recreate yourself. You can turn yourself into a Juggernaut and know that you too are unstoppable.

So, I imagine you want to know how I started making videos of cutting lawns for FREE. 

A few years into making lawn videos I spotted an overgrown lawn in my neighborhood. I had no idea who lived there or what their story was but I thought to myself all I cut now are nice lawns and I wanted to make a video talking to lawn care guys about the type of work they will get in the first few years of business when they are just cutting their teeth. My brother was working with me at the time and I said “ James we should cut that” he told me that we were not getting paid for that also mentioning that I didn’t make an income from youtube and it would tear up the equipment that I worked so hard for. He was 100% right but I kept looking at that lawn everytime i left the neighborhood I thought I should cut that. My Father came into town and I told him about it and he said “lets go do it” I had no idea that day my father and I would start a worldwide trend. Now let me be clear there were other guys cutting grass, even guys cutting tall grass but no one was doing it for FREE. honestly after making the video I was talking to my wife and I was concerned that I might lose subscribers for putting a video like this up. I mean i was talking to guys about how to run a business. The other concern with losing subscribers came in when I was editing the video and listing to Charles stanley. I don’t know why but I felt called to up the sermon on the video and ended up not talking about what I was doing. My wife and I went back and forth on this a bit before she gave up and went to bed then I shelled it out with the sermon. The video did ok at best nothing special but a few days later I was driving past that house and told myself that if I got a sign I would do another one. Wouldn’t you know it, I wasn’t even a mile down the road when I got a call. It was from the city and they asked if I would like to be an abatement contractor. I said “I don’t mess with cutting hills” they said “No abatement not embankment… overgrown lawns” I went ahead and told them I was interested. A few weeks later after I had done some work for them I asked how it worked. They told me that I did the work and they tacked on $300 for administration and paperwork fees. I then asked what if the homeowner cannot pay for the service? They then told me that they would put a lean on the house. I then asked what if the lean is not paid? That’s when I found out that if the homeowner did not pay the rent, their home would be put up for sale at a sheriff’s auction. That did not sit well with me so I let the city keep sending me the list and I started cutting all the ones that were lived in for free. I would work all week in my lawn business and then on the weekends I would go out and get as many as I could. I started to really enjoy doing this and started looking for people in need. Some I would make videos of, others I wouldn’t but I loved knowing that I was really helping people out. 

The videos started doing good on youtube and then I started getting comments asking for no commentary…I thought “they want lawn videos with no tips, tricks or conversation?…SOUND BORING” after a few months of these comments I started (as a joke)  my second channel and  I had the perfect name for it: The Boring Channel. 

So it turns out as much as I hate to admit it that the boring channel did really well. So well in fact that it would allow me to go full-time doing charity services for people in my community and I have now traveled to 15 plus states doing work in each state. I have been able to give away several commercial grade mowers to small business owners, through our videos we have been able to help support gofundme fundraisers for several people in need raising several hundreds of thousands of dollars, inspired 100s of channels to start making content in multiple industries using our channels business model to help people in their community. We have personally helped and worked with many of the channels doing this work ranging from small unknown to channels with large followings  like SB mowing and Al Bladez. Making many friends along the way. Not only the content creators that I work with but I have made many good friends with our viewers and the homeowners that I have worked for. I consider myself a lucky man to know my Great definite purpose in life. I have the goal to help as many people as humanly possible in life. I get to help and inspire so many people through the creation of the videos I make that it brings me great joy to know that I can always work towards this is a never ending goal that I can always use to drive me forward.