
I will be the first to say that I have a very rewarding career and honestly I see myself as one of the luckiest lawn care professionals in the world. Now I’m not going to lie and say the work that I do is not hard physically and mentally from time to time but the reactions of the people I help not only when I complete but while I am working on the property and before I start can be very moving.

The thing is that while my lawn business looks very different from the traditional lawn care business, we are still in business and while the people I help are not what I would call a customer because there is no exchange of money from them for the work I do. I still treat them and their property as good if not better than the people and properties that I cut on a weekly basis for over a decade. So I go into the work with the utmost respect and even though they may not have high expectations I do my best to set the bar of quality for myself as well as the people out there doing the type of work that I am doing.

So who do I mow for and how do I find them? Where is almost always up in the air as I have traveled and cut lawns in over 15 states now but the people that I help all have one thing in common. They are truly in need of help. I feel that when you look at a property and the lawn is out of control that can tell you a lot about where someone is in life. If you have a negative mindset you would say these people are just lazy but if you look at the situation in a way that is not negative or judgmental in any way. What you will start to see is that these people are a lot like you or me, they have just fallen prey to something that has set them back or thrown them off of their stride. The condition of someone’s living situation is often a reflection of where they are at mentally or physically. So I will see overgrown crazy grass but I know that really represents depression of a disability and if I can get them to let me work on their property for just a day or two I can clean their property and restore a sense of community in there life letting them know that their are people out there that care about them still.

One of my favorite parts of the job is seeing their reaction to what I am doing when I first meet them. It’s not uncommon for people to ask if I am crazy or ask if this is some kind of scam. They are just in shock that someone cuts lawns for free but I explain to them how it works and that I make a transformation video of cleaning up the property, then post the video on line where I am later compensated from the ads that are played on the videos I make. It is a true win, win, win. They get a Free lawn makeover that is often several hundreds if not thousands of dollars in work. I get to help them and then have honest work to provide for my family then when I post the video my viewers get a video completely free of charge to them as well as the feeling of knowing that when they watch and interact with the video they are truly helping to facilitate changing someone’s life.

Generally during the clean up I will see the homeowner a few times if the project is a multiple day project and they are alway in shock at how much I have accomplished in the amount of time that I have been there and I have to let them know that I am not done yet lol. They normally tell me this looks great and when I tell them what I am doing next they tell me I don’t have to do that. You’re right I don’t have to but i’m going to and it will look so much better after it’s done. The thing is that I am not interested in doing a job and not bringing it to completion. Now some jobs I am not able to bring to what I would call a true completion. What I mean by that is some properties I could honestly work on for weeks and it may not be to completion in my eyes however I know that my time on properties is often limited by factors dealing with my travels. You can see me skirting past that in some of my videos when you see my camper behind my truck. That normally means that my dead line to move from one location to another has come and my location at a camp is no longer available but if the job is close I will just wrap up the job with my home on the road behind my truck lol

Now when we talk about what people say after I cut their lawns that’s where it can be really moving and oftentimes people will even cry at the sight of how much has been done. It’s a true new beginning for them, a fresh start. Keep in mind that when the project started it had to have been completely overwhelming for them. I know that it was overwhelming for them if I felt that way. I have an arsenal of some of the best equipment in the industry.

Now the idea of helping others mow their lawn for free has not been a new thing for me. Over the last decade of running my lawn business I always kept a handful of houses that I would cut for free. This was normally elderly people that were close to the lawns that I cut on a weekly basis. If I saw someone that was struggling to mow their lawn in the heat I would just politely gesture if it was ok if I bright my mower on to their lawn and helped them out. This was almost never hit with a no and just like the free lawns that I do now they would often try to pay me when I was done. I never accept money from people that I help out. When I go into the job I go into it knowing this is something that I am doing FREE of charge and I do not want financially compensated from the person I am helping but how truly amazing it is that I can post a video now and have had the capability to go full time doing lawns completely free of charge to the homeowner. I never imagined that when I started making lawn care videos that it would provide that ability to take care of my family. I was just doing it for fun, a hobby that also tied in with the career that I was trying to build. I just wanted to be a lawn care business owner. I didn’t always love lawn care I was just like everyone else when I worked at a factory I dreaded having to cut my lawn but when I started my lawn care business and started to learn about the plants and the equipment and how to interact with people ( something that has always been hard for me prior to owning a business) well I was hooked. The first years in business were hard, harder than they needed to be but as I learned I started to make videos to help others out like me and when the channel took off I was faced with a huge life decision. Do I keep my lawn business how it is or now that my channel is producing an income so I take a leap of faith and help as many people as I can? Well I will say in an odd way I really miss running a lawn route and I miss my clients, many of which were like family to me while I was working for them but I do not regret the path that I chose and I know that all of my former clients support the decision that I have made.

Where do I go to help others by transforming their property? Well honestly I let the lord guide me. I know that when I put my faith in the lord he will always lead me to the place I am meant to work at that day. Pretty far leap from knowing almost down to the minute where I would be on my lawn care route on any given day. I could have never dreamed that I would have traveled over a dozen states doing this work. How cool would it be to cut in all of the states or be able to travel to another country and donate my time. That’s something I have my eye on by the way. It’s odd I meet some missionaries in another state while on a job and it got me thinking how my travels are my form of a mission trip and my videos are my Ministry.

So where can you go to help me in the work that I do? The best way is to watch and interact with my videos. A comment truly does help to push the video to more people and sharing the videos is HUGE but if you want to go one step further I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a well wired 5 star review on my google business listing. This is a place that I can send a homeowner to learn more about me if they are worried about letting me work on their property. Here is a helpful link that will take you to the review page.
Lawn Care Juggernaut
Thank you so much for all of the love and support!